Availabilty and site continuation.

I have noticed that there doesnt seem to be any Flukso for sale any more. I know there are 100's out there probably closer to 1000's more .
Hopefully there will be another run of FL2's for all the new people who use Solar generation systems.
This is in my opinion the best and simplest unit on the market.
If not what is the longevity of the reporting of current units from here and to data sites like PVOutput?


ffuentes's picture

This is a dead project, I am looking to migrate out to Open Energy Monitor. FL2s are already dead as they are not selling the ct's any longer, only FL3 and FL3 are nowhere to be found.

bazzle's picture

I use pulse outputs from din rail. No ct's.
Hopefully the reporting won't go down to PVOutput anytime soon?
If so please give enough notice to users so we can migrate to something as easy and cost effective :)

jgysenbergs's picture

Would be a pity if a server goes down. Please keep running for least three years as in Belgium we don't need to install a so called 'smart meter' until 2025.

bazzle's picture

And if it shuts down?
Ive found nothing as easy to set up, uses pulse meters and intgrates with PV Output seamlessly.

We would need another affordable user friendly unit.
Come on Icarus75 make some more units for sale to keep this going please :)

Fluc's picture

Yes, loosing the Flukso server and PVOutput would be bad news.
Perhaps i shall implement Home Assistant later but if is far from easy to set up.
Fortunately, my hacked Flukso (from @gebhardm) will stay working ... until it is bricked ?

pduchesne's picture

I lost my flukso recently after 10+y of good service, and had to move to Home Assistant.
The software itself is very easy to set up, and supports all the sensors and platforms you can think of.

For power monitoring, you can either buy ready to use sensors (more expensive), or build yourself a sensor with an ESP32 controller (DIY electronics, but way cheaper if you use multiple CT clamps)

Fluc's picture

With Home Assistant, i hope you can use also pulse outputs kwh meters.
And not expensive sensors.
Also, putting the data on PVoutput is something i did not yet look for.
But in the meantime, after a start-up problem once in a while, my FLM2b still doing great work.

vk2him's picture

In the situation that the Flukso Server ever stops, Home assistant can send automatically to PVOutput - I have it setup this way "just in case". Basically, you leave PVOutput configured to obtain the readings from the Flukso API, and in parallel you use the following code to send the same data to PVOutput via Home assistant. If Flukso API goes down it will be supplemented by the Home Assistant data and vice versa.

Note- This is documented in the PVOutput site here:

Put in configuration.yaml and substitute your sensor IDs as appropriate:

  1. # For PVOutput sending          
  3. sensor average_production:
  4.   - platform: average
  5.     name: Mqtt Production Average
  6.     duration:
  7. #      # supports seconds, minutes, hours, days
  8. #      #days: 1
  9. #      hours: 3
  10.       minutes: 5
  11.     entities:
  12.       - sensor.mqtt_production
  14. sensor average_consumption:
  15.   - platform: average
  16.     name: Mqtt Consumption Average
  17.     duration:
  18. #      # supports seconds, minutes, hours, days
  19. #      #days: 1
  20. #      hours: 3
  21.       minutes: 5
  22.     entities:
  23.       - sensor.mqtt_consumption
  25. rest_command:
  26.   pvoutput_generation:
  27.     method: POST
  28.     url: <a href="https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp<br />
  29. " title="https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp<br />
  30. ">https://pvoutput.org/service/r2/addstatus.jsp<br />
  31. </a>    headers:
  32.       X-Pvoutput-Apikey: "your long api here"
  33.       X-Pvoutput-SystemId: "your pvoutput system id here"
  34.     payload: 'd={{now().strftime("%Y%m%d")}}&t={{now().strftime("%H:%M")}}&v2={{states.sensor.mqtt_production_average.state|round(0)}}&v4={{states.sensor.mqtt_consumption_average.state|round(0)}}&v5={{states.sensor.clientraw_temperature.state|round(1)}}&v6={{states.sensor.mqtt_voltage.state|round(1)}}&c1=1'
  36.     content_type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

Add the following Automation as well:
Add this to automations.yaml

  1. - id: '1670815888407'
  2.   alias: PVOutput Uploader
  3.   description: Uploads values to PVOutput
  4.   trigger:
  5.   - platform: time_pattern
  6.     minutes: /5
  7.     seconds: '0'
  8.   condition: []
  9.   action:
  10.   - service: rest_command.pvoutput_generation
  11.     data: {}
  12.   mode: single

mr_thingy's picture

It would be good to get some sort of official statement on what's going on. I really don't mind something like "I'm busy with other work, sorry" or "I got a bit too much for me so I've stopped working on it", but just some sort of information would be good. In particular a summary of what the latest firmware is, the state of the server(s), i.e. how long they're likely to continue running, that sort of thing.

bazzle's picture

Come on Bart.. Please add some updates.
Remember the people who purchased these products did so in good faith and supported your enterprises :)

michi's picture

Seconded. It would be good to know where we stand, at least, and to have some timeline if things are going to go south.


mr_thingy's picture

Just by coincidence I was looking at the current state of DIN-rail energy meters and saw that generic models like the DDS 238-x equivalents now seem to come with Modbus interfaces as well as the pulse-count output, presumably whatever standard chipset most of them use now supports Modbus. What this means is that it's possible to read any number of meters via an ODroid, Raspberry Pi, or similar using a Modbus <-> USB adapter. Modbus is daisy-chained so you can connect any number of meters, and they record a lot more than just watts used so you get a lot of insight into the power situation in your house.

This means that it'd be possible to create something the equivalent of an FLM-02/03 with off-the-shelf hardware and keep things running even though the Fluksos aren't available any more. However, while I can write the Modbus interface code I don't really know what to do with the data beyond that point. Post it to Adafruit IO? Thingspeak? Something else? Would anyone else be interested in looking at this?

mr_thingy's picture

To be a bit more specific, the one that everyone seems to clone is the Eastron SDM 120/220/230/etc, which records 22 different parameters including alongside the expected volts, amps, VA, etc things like reactive power, phase angle, frequency, and other details, so there's an awful lot of insight into what's going on in the system.

mr_thingy's picture

I've now got the Eastron 230s installed and running via modbus, it's essentially the same amount of effort as installing a pulse-count meter for the Flukso to read but since all of the intelligence is now in the meter rather than the device that's reading it you can just read it with anything running Linux. And since they're MID-certified you can read both forward and reverse power for solar setups.

As a side-effect of this I've now got an FLM-02 and three pulse-count meters for sale if anyone's looking for one.

Wizzopa's picture

Hello, I am interested in the three pulse-count meters, I would like to hear from you which brand the meters are, age, price incl. shipping to Holland.
Let me

mr_thingy's picture

I was hoping to sell them alongside the Flukso since they're really just accessories for that, i.e. the value is the Flukso, not the meters. They're about eight years old, would have to look up the brand, however I'm in New Zealand so shipping from here is probably going to cost a lot more than just finding something on Aliexpress.

Wizzopa's picture

Ok, thanks for the info.

AliExpress it is than

Pishnagambo's picture

I noticed that the sites certificate is out of date too at the moment. Mmmm, so am i correct that there is a way to scrape the data from teh device itself ? and not be reliant on this site if it goes down? Is that where home assistant comes into the picture?

mr_thingy's picture

It's a Let's Encrypt cert that's been renewed, so something is still keeping things running.

B-Man's picture

"I've now got the Eastron 230s installed and running via modbus, it's essentially the same amount of effort as installing a pulse-count meter for the Flukso to read but since all of the intelligence is now in the meter rather than the device that's reading it you can just read it with anything running Linux. And since they're MID-certified you can read both forward and reverse power for solar setups."

any chance on showing how you done it?
my parents house is tricky where the solar is connected into the shed sub board that connects into the middle of the main switch board and i cant separate the power generated vs the power used easily.
reading forward and reverse power along with the generation from the inverter is exactly what I need and I haven't found anything that seems to be able to do it easily and cheaply.
this looks like it might work.

I currently have a flukso but not being able to do power both ways is pointless.

and my current flukso is ticking along nicely doing my hot water and measuring my water meters so i hope it stays working!

Pjedr's picture

Since today after 09:15 no logging is displayed on my dash, on lokal flukso all is ok, only a new ipadress locally because i have reset my wifi accesspoint and router.

Fluc's picture

Here the same at 09:40 Belgium time.
Fixed ip-adress has not changed.
I see in the Flukso syslog tab every 5 minutes:
May 21 20:59:13 flukso-"serial-id" daemon.err fluksod[1116]: POST <a href="https://api.flukso.net/sensor/"my" title="https://api.flukso.net/sensor/"my">https://api.flukso.net/sensor/"my</a> sensor id": -151
I see in the Flukso mqtt tab my 4 sensors /gauge and /counter working normally.

I think it is a Flukso server problem, hopefully temporary ....

beadybee's picture

Mine is not working either :-(

Ricstar's picture

Down in Australia now since yesterday Tuesday 20th May, 2024 - local time 17:40pm - 7:40am GMT.

So down 24hrs.
Hopefully will come back on.

Wizzopa's picture

No dash in Holland

ndupont's picture

I confirm no dash after 09:15 Belgian time on May 21st as well.

ndupont's picture

But on the other hand the reading pulled from the EnergieID integration seems to work. Let's see tomorrow if the daily values for today make sense.

Fluc's picture

@NDUPONT, i just made a EnergieID account and add my Flukso sensors, but after one hour, still nothing was imported. Let's see tomorrow ... :-)

JPM18's picture

Still does not work for me.