Use the right version for your FLM and it will work as it does for years now... RTFD ;-)
neomarcio |
version?! how i now?
gebhardm |
Well, what shall I write... I just quote the documentation: "To utilize this implementation, clone or download this repository. Check out the fitting branch of your Fluksometer, so either flm02 or flm03 or choose a "packed" variant per release/tag. I will keep the master branch on the stable version for the newest Fluksometer. In case of uncertainty refer to the commit history)." - the FLM02 version of the flmlocal implementation does not work on FLM03 and vice versa...
neomarcio |
sorry ,but i don´t understand!!!
i download the repository-------yes
Check out the fitting branch of your Fluksometer------(well i know that mine is FLM02)
and the rest....well ...i can´t understand!!!
i just login throug wincp with the,and i put the www folder on the flukso...and that is it!!!
the rest i coldn´t make it!!!
what i doing bad!'
neomarcio |
can you explain ,very detailed...sorry!
gebhardm |
I beg your pardon, but more detailed than detailed is impossible: First, learn about Un*x-like operating systems; there are splendid tutorials out there, G**gle is your friend. Second, follow the how to use as everything is explained already.
On the FLM there is a www/-folder that contains the default UI files; "putting the flmlocal www/ folder on the FLM" is "enhancing" this default one, so the existing UI is just extended. What more should I say? Is there a technophile pupil around? Get her or him to explain the basics to you...
neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~/flmlocal (master)
$ git checkout flm02
Switched to a new branch 'flm02'
Branch 'flm02' set up to track remote branch 'flm02' from 'origin'.
i try this (
but doesn´t work...
Use the right version for your FLM and it will work as it does for years now... RTFD ;-)
version?! how i now?
Well, what shall I write... I just quote the documentation: "To utilize this implementation, clone or download this repository. Check out the fitting branch of your Fluksometer, so either flm02 or flm03 or choose a "packed" variant per release/tag. I will keep the master branch on the stable version for the newest Fluksometer. In case of uncertainty refer to the commit history)." - the FLM02 version of the flmlocal implementation does not work on FLM03 and vice versa...
sorry ,but i don´t understand!!!
i download the repository-------yes
Check out the fitting branch of your Fluksometer------(well i know that mine is FLM02)
and the rest....well ...i can´t understand!!!
i just login throug wincp with the,and i put the www folder on the flukso...and that is it!!!
the rest i coldn´t make it!!!
what i doing bad!'
can you explain ,very detailed...sorry!
I beg your pardon, but more detailed than detailed is impossible: First, learn about Un*x-like operating systems; there are splendid tutorials out there, G**gle is your friend. Second, follow the how to use as everything is explained already.
On the FLM there is a www/-folder that contains the default UI files; "putting the flmlocal www/ folder on the FLM" is "enhancing" this default one, so the existing UI is just extended. What more should I say? Is there a technophile pupil around? Get her or him to explain the basics to you...
Also see - more step by step is really, really, really not possible.
well...sorry i not a genious!!!i try ...but it gives this error....
neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~
$ git clone
Cloning into 'flmlocal'...
warning: redirecting to
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 1193 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1190
Receiving objects: 100% (1193/1193), 3.78 MiB | 4.88 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (641/641), done.
neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~
$ git checkout flm02
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~
Well, you have to change to the repository's directory before trying to check out...
git clone
cd flmlocal
git checkout flm02
neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~
$ cd flmlocal
neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~/flmlocal (master)
$ git checkout flm02
Switched to a new branch 'flm02'
Branch 'flm02' set up to track remote branch 'flm02' from 'origin'.
neomarcio@DESKTOP-SHDS1V7 MINGW64 ~/flmlocal (flm02)
there are so many videos for others devices on you tube,but for flukso devices....nothing!!!