Combine only 2 clamps


It would be nice to have if one can combine 2 clamps (2-phase system) leaving the 3rd clamp free to measure other thing. Here in Brazil it is very common to small/medium residences to receive 2-phase (out of three available) plus one Neutral.

Today, I have two choices, set FLM2 to 1-Phase system then, by hand, sum Phase 1 and Phase 2 clamps. Or, the better way, set FLM2 to 3-Phase system and then have Phase 1 and 2 reported as one (sum already computed). The downside of this is that Clamp 3 will not never be used for nothing (my system has 2 phases only).

If FLM2 could be set to 2-Phase system combining only Clamp 1 and 2 but leaving the Clamp 3 out of the math, one could use the Clamp 3 for general purpose measuring (i.e. electrical oven, heaters, etc). This way Clamp 3 would be useful even in a 2-Phase system.


icarus75's picture

You could configure your FLM as a 2-phase system by editing /etc/config/flukso directly via ssh. The option is just not made available in the GUI.

  1. root@flukso-3e8150:~# cat /etc/config/flukso
  2. config 'sensor' '1'
  3.         option 'type' 'electricity'
  4.         option 'class' 'analog'
  5.         list 'port' '1'
  6.         list 'port' '2'
  7.         option 'voltage' '230'
  8.         option 'current' '50'
  9.         option 'enable' '1'
  10.         option 'id' '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde1'
  12. config 'sensor' '2'
  13.         option 'type' 'electricity'
  14.         option 'class' 'analog'
  15.         option 'voltage' '230'
  16.         option 'current' '50'
  17.         option 'enable' '0'
  18.         option 'id' '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde2'
  20. config 'sensor' '3'
  21.         option 'type' 'electricity'
  22.         option 'class' 'analog'
  23.         list 'port' '3'
  24.         option 'voltage' '230'
  25.         option 'current' '50'
  26.         option 'enable' '1'
  27.         option 'id' '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcde3'

Then synchronize the configuration and you should be good to go:

  1. root@flukso-3e8150:~# fsync

jrbenito's picture

Nice to know!

Thanks Bart

Merry Christmas