Flukso-Software without Fluksometer (WLAN-Router)


is there a Flukso-Software, which can be run on a linux-Server and can be connected via USB-Port to the measuring-clamp?

I have a linux-machine (centos) with internet-connection, which is located near to the fuse-box.
I Want to run the flukso-software on this machine an establish the connection to the measuring-clamp via a usb-port.
Is this possible? Is the standalone-Software availeable? What do i need to connect the clamp to usb? usb-v.24-adapter? (sorry, my native V.24-Ports are full :-( )

Thanks, Florian

gebhardm's picture

see http://developer.mysmartgrid.de/doku.php?id=fluksousb for an early adaptation of an USB-based measuring board developed in an institute closely cooperating with Flukso.net... At least for local adaptation you should get a clue on what to do from this...
But also see Bart's comment on https://www.flukso.net/content/newbie-questions >> "1/ When purchasing an FLM, rendering of the sensor data is part of the package, which means that access to the dash should be free." - in contrast I guess it will just be not feasible to adapt to other kinds of hardware/software... But you never know who might contribute to the community ;-)
Just my 2 cents.

fluksflo's picture

Hello Markus,

thans for your reply. I see three problems:
1. there is an experimental fluksousb-board "alas it doesn't seem to work properly yet"
2. the board has to be hand-made by my own an can't be purchased in a "ready-to-run" state.
3. ... and the software.

Is this correct? .. so i will lay my idea to rest for a while. :-(


gebhardm's picture

Correct? Radio Jerewan would say: "in principle, yes" - The FluksoUSB link above is just one anchor to the work of the mysmartgrid-initiative that offers much more information, capabilities and opportunities than what is written on the particular page I linked... "Ready to run" is the FLM as described in this whole space that offers a combination of hardware AND software AND web service (and is working pretty well)... As web site search engines show, there are a lot of other options on how to get power readings into a web-ish format: http://volkszaehler.org/ or http://openenergymonitor.org or ... (even the Elektor magazine had an article that described on how to utilize a certain router for home automation purposes, including the need to do some self coding) So, be creative if this particular offering provides not the solution that you intend to use - that is, if this doesn't fit then this does not imply to rest your idea...
As I am also just a user I can just tell that I am pretty pleased with what the FLM offers and would not like to step into the M$-ish uncertainties of combining any kind of hardware that seems to offer a certain capability with a software service.
But this is just my personal opinion and does not reflect any "official statement" by the provider of this very website...
Best regards