Flukso Water Probe - Delivery Price

I installed my water probe that I made using a small reed in my water meter http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b503/Molari1/WaterMeterNew_zpsda3113... but it is working only occasionally. So I looked at the Flukso shop and found a water probe for 9.68 Eur = 8 EUR without GST. When I entered my address in Australia the shipping to zone 5 cost standard 48 EUR !!!

It is slightly high IMO :)

So I am wondering if it will be possible to send it in usual Air Mail for few euros?

Also I am wondering what is the length of the Flukso Water Probe.

Fluc's picture

If you scroll down on the ebay-link, there is is a large picture.
To bent the steel wires (not copper !) you must hold at least 5mm wire strait next to the glass with a narrow pliers, otherwise you can break the glass like jgysenbergs said.
The wires are steel because of the magnetic properties of the material.

fafot's picture

Tx for the suggestions.

I actually bought 5 glass reeds like the one Fluc posted. Broke 3 until I've learned how to use it :) My ones body is 10mm long. The problem is that when I put it in the meter cavity with a silicon (soft like bauble gum) it not always touching properly the bottom of the cavity and the magnet inside the meter is not strong enough to switch it on. Also because the meter is getting wet on occasions the reed is sometime ON all the time... So the best solution is reed that is already in a plastic sealed body (like door reeds).

I've went to electronic shop. They had a perfect reed but it is always ON and I need always OFF. So no much luck yet. I will look more on the net - ebay.

In the meantime I am still wondering why the shipping cost from Flukso is so high.

Fluc's picture

The reed contact must be so close possible to the magnet side in the meter, best is perhaps, once the wires are soldered and one wire bend, to put the whole in a epoxy layer or electrical varnish to have it completely sealed.
But if you need higher sensibility, you can use a bipolar hall sensor element like the A3213EUA-T, but you need then +/- 3 to 5 V to power it :
For connections, example here: http://likatronix.be/wp/shop/hall-sensor/

fafot's picture

Tx Fluc. I am going to check this idea.

Amy's picture

Hello, I will be distributing the gas and water probes from South Australia in a couple weeks. When they are in stock purchasing can be done here, http://www.rowetel.com/blog/?page_id=312
The shipping costs will be greatly reduced for all Australian customers.

fafot's picture

Tx Amy.