So I set the upgrade to be done after the next heart beat here on your site. Than I came back the next day to check on it and now I have no web interface and the device is not reporting. I can ssh in to the device.
By the look of it, it seem that the firmware did not take and broke some stuff....
Any ideas what is going on?
well a reboot took care of it.
The upgrade failed.
I wonder why.
1/ Can you schedule a new upgrade? Let me know if it succeeds or not.
2/ Did you make any modifications to the current firmware?
I reschedule an upgrade right now for the next heartbeat. There is no modification to the firmware.
Unless modifying iptables to allow ssh from the wireless interface is consider a major modification.
I am not sure when the upgrade is going to take place but 30 min has pass and I am still on 216 firmware.
One of them stop logging data.
can you give me a hand here?
They stop pinging so something is happening... Will post back.
yup I got the firmware!
A heartbeat is sent only once every hour by the FLM to the server. So you need a little bit of patience for the firmware upgrade to take place. Glad it works for you.