For Sale : Flukso FLM v3 with 50A clamps
onFor people interested in a flukso v3 device . Mine is for sale . Replaced it with a complete Victron system.
Price is 75 Eur . Contact me if you are intrested - First come - first served .
For people interested in a flukso v3 device . Mine is for sale . Replaced it with a complete Victron system.
Price is 75 Eur . Contact me if you are intrested - First come - first served .
Good morning,
I have tried to install my Flukso but had contrasting results.
The configuration went smoothly until the point at which, once on the dash page, I was notified after some minutes of functioning of a connection problem between the Flukso and the computer, whether the connection was done through a wifi or ethernet connection and with the LAN cable between computer and Flukso always connected. Could you please give me a hand with this??
I have attached a picture of the error message.
Here it is in case the upload didn't work:
'The call for sensor PV experienced a timeout. You are probably not in the same local network as the FLM'.
Thanks, Stefano
since my first installation 6 weeks ago, my device has been "crashing" on a daily base.
Below an extract of the logread:
Jan 1 01:00:56 flukso-13187f supd[1442]: Sucessfully started with DEAMON=supd and DAEMON_PATH=/var/run/supd
Jan 1 01:00:56 flukso-13187f tmpod[1447]: Sucessfully started with DEAMON=tmpod and DAEMON_PATH=/var/run/tmpod
Jan 1 01:00:56 flukso-13187f sysinit: Daemon returned 0 as return value.
Jan 1 01:00:56 flukso-13187f kern.err kernel: [ 56.710000] uart: rx fifo overflow
Jan 1 01:00:56 flukso-13187f kubed[1450]: Sucessfully started with DEAMON=kubed and DAEMON_PATH=/var/run/kubed
Jan 1 01:00:56 flukso-13187f sysinit: Daemon returned 0 as return value.
May 22 14:50:51 flukso-13187f heartbeat[1455]: POST{GUID}: 200
May 22 14:51:24 flukso-13187f dropbear[1474]: Child connection from
May 22 14:51:24 flukso-13187f dropbear[1474]: Exit before auth: Exited normally
May 22 14:51:50 flukso-13187f cron.err crond[1218]: time disparity of 27028130 minutes detected
May 22 15:00:01 flukso-13187f crond[1218]: crond: USER root pid 1486 cmd /usr/bin/heartbeat 0
May 22 15:00:01 flukso-13187f crond[1218]: crond: USER root pid 1487 cmd /usr/bin/fcheck
May 22 15:00:03 flukso-13187f heartbeat[1489]: POST{GUID}: 200
May 22 15:15:01 flukso-13187f crond[1218]: crond: USER root pid 1540 cmd /usr/bin/fcheck
May 22 15:21:29 flukso-13187f daemon.err tmpod[1447]: /usr/sbin/tmpod.lua:106: MQTT error: The connection was lost.
May 22 15:30:01 flukso-13187f crond[1218]: crond: USER root pid 1589 cmd /usr/bin/fcheck
May 22 15:36:40 flukso-13187f daemon.err tmpod[1447]: /usr/sbin/tmpod.lua:106: MQTT error: The client is not currently connected.
May 22 15:39:27 flukso-13187f daemon.err tmpod[1447]: /usr/sbin/tmpod.lua:106: MQTT error: The connection was lost.
Once the "MQTT connection was lost" happens, all data sending stops.
If I notice this in the first 24hours after the problem has happened, I can still ssh into the device and reboot it.
If it's longer than 24h, the device becomes unresponsive. I need to pull the (physical) plug and let it restart like that.
Anyone had a similar experience? The only 'tweek' I did was to open SSH/web for the WAN port (don't have a physical connection available).
One of the rising-clamp portions on the terminal block on my v2 has failed after a move, it's a bit hard to see exactly what's gone wrong but you can move the screw all the way in and out without the clamp portion becoming visible and it's not holding the wire in place. Is it a pluggable block or will I need to disassemble and de-solder the whole thing to replace it?
While playing with SSH access to my FLM02B (see this thread) I noticed that the CPU usage was pegged at 100%. The culprit seems to be '/usr/sbin/parsed -u flukso'
, which takes all available CPU not used by other processes, the system never idles or goes into any kind of lower-power mode. I'm assuming parsed is a custom flukso-specific thing because I've never heard of it before, has anyone else noticed the high system load caused by this? There's not enough tools on the busybox install to figure out what the problem is, but it seems like something worth fixing to allow the system to idle rather than being at 100% all the time.