Are these connectable (gaz and water) meters?

Can anybody give confirmation on whether or not these meters can be connected?

  • Contigea Schlumberger gas meter (picture 1)
  • Water meter (picture 8)
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jgysenbergs's picture

Did you use a compass or other way to detect a (rotating) magnet somewhere? Has the gas meter a small mirror on the last digit 6? Otherwise, it seems difficult to get a read-out from these fairly old meters.

Fluc's picture

I had the same watermeter and it was quite old (+ 30 years). So i contacted the water company to ask that they change the meter. Normally every 15-16 years we (in Belgium) have the right to have a new one at no costs.
From the beginning of this year i have a Elster V200 with rotating mirror, Yes !!