Flukso To PVoutput - Script

Hey guys,
I have created a script so the flukso can be used again! hopefully those with fluksos see this before binning them!

Script – https://github.com/B-Mqn/FluksoToPVoutput/

Discussion Forum – https://forum.pvoutput.org/t/flukso-to-pvoutput-script-discussion/7405

B-Man's picture

haha always the way!
TBH I don't really know.
if you run
sudo systemctl stop mqtt_pvoutput.service
sudo systemctl disable mqtt_pvoutput.service
before deleting the file that should stop it and stop it from running on reboot.
Or if its removed and then rebooted it probably doesn't matter. my linux and scripting knowledge are very limited.

ah yes great to know I didnt even think about the username in the service file.
so really only directory and username change. not to much different then

bazzle's picture

I got stuck with Unbuntu on a dual boot on a NUC.
Have ordered an RPi 400 off ebay.
Will ask questions when I receive it :)

scoles's picture

Excellent work.
I have it up and running nicely on my OrangePi5 running Ubuntu Server.
I tried getting it to work through Home Assistant, but that's a bit of a black art as far as I am concerned.

I had to specify python3 instead of just python
(probably worth mentioning this in the ReadMe)

and my user name is not "pi" so my home directory links are slightly different.

The thing I had biggest issue with was how to enter the Sensor ID for my Flukso.
tip: you need to replace the "sensor-id" section (retaining the quotation marks) for the relevant input you want to populate for the sensor.

In my case I only populated Sensor 2 as I have an electricity consumption clamp only.

B-Man's picture

Great work.
I did have python and python3 listed buy have just put it to python3 now

You can put any sensor in any sensor id. location just assign the correct pvoutput v number.

I will adjust the wording. cheers.

Fluc's picture

@B-man, you are doing a great job :-)

bazzle's picture

I finally got it going.
Rpi 400, (4)
Raspberry Pi OS with desktop
winscp, SSH,
Real VNC viewer
Free Pvoutput.org account.

FluksoToPvoutput B-Man V2 Version 2 posts up.
A few headaches esp as I had no idea what I was doing. B-Man helped me a lot! :)
Mixed in this thread is what I had to do, a bit long winded but its currently working.


B-Man's picture

one of the big pluses I like about this is how its instantly updated on pvouput! within the next minute of the 5 min interval.

I had 2 scripts running to send to 2 different systems but one kept crashing after anywhere from 4 to 6 days
I have set the stable one that does my hot water back to the flukso api but its 15 to 20 minutes before the data appears!

V1 of the script has run stable for 30 days today! that was sending my hot water data.
I have now put that back to the flukso / pvoutput auto upload using the other fix. hoping that the other script I was running is not going to run stable as it seems to run between 4-6 days before not uploading to pvoutput.
I never notices this while creating and editing the script as it never really ran for more than a day or 2 without some sort of bugfix or addition.
I haven't had anyone else complain the script keeps stopping so my only thought was that running 2 somehow causes it to fail.. it logs to the debug that its collected the data but between there and sending the data it stops. when I access it it seems like its still reading mqtt data but the rest of the script doesn't work.

I'm hoping this is the cause of my script failing to uploaded after a few days.

Will find out soon.

bazzle's picture

How do I find out what script I am running?

B-Man's picture

@bazzle your running V2 at a guess.

V1 = mqtt_pvoutput.py
v2 = flukso2pvoutput_mqtt.py
V3.1 and V3.2 have the version number listed at the top still called the same as V2.

if it runs stable for another week I will merge that with the main thread and that will be the default one...

the only other change I want to make is be able to send to 2 separate systems as if I run 2 scripts at the same time one seems to break.

bazzle's picture

That sounds good. I am up to be a Guinea Pig :)

Fluc's picture

That's great Baz, hopefully it can work a long time.