G4 RF1 gas meter

Can anyone post a picture of correct installation of flukso gas probe on this meter?
I tried everything but don't get a pulse out of it

sem's picture

I meant what orientation of the sensor
looks like posision makes a difference because my readings are inconsistent
sensor has 2 side , one with writing on it one without . Does it matter how to put it in the position?

gebhardm's picture

As shown in the picture of the store: cable on top, sensor/reed switch faces down (https://www.flukso.net/content/gas-probe - but should make no difference as the principle of the reed switch is not touched by horizontal direction, thus distance difference in the mm scale)
Interestingly there seems to be another version of the G4 RF1 with a "c" that has no magnet built in but a "Cyble Target" that needs to be read inductively via a "Cyble Electronic Encoder" - http://www.heitland-gmbh.de/pdf/smart-metering/gas-rf1-cyble.pdf describes that this is the new standard of counting devices as magnets may be manipulated... - such a thing we saw in another post on a water meter, so it can be expected that the time of magnet pulse detection is not too long lasting...
Interesting concepts they invent and by that push battery industry :-).
Regards, Markus

sem's picture

Indeed switch with label down give consistent readings. I get results now . thanks a lot

icarus75's picture

The gas probe should indeed be inserted into the cavity on top of the counter with the cable exiting on the left and the flukso markings facing down.

degerrit's picture

We finally switched over to gas, had to dig around in the garage & dust off my Flukso packaging to find the gas meter that I ordered years ago :-)

> "The gas probe should indeed be inserted into the cavity on top of the counter with the cable exiting on the left and the flukso markings facing down"

Bingo, right first time!

Model: itron G4 RF1
