the graph of my flukso stopped

Good morning, I ask for help.
Yesterday at 9:15 am the graph of my flukso stopped while continuing to work.
Thank you

petur's picture

I misread the post of hannibal218bc and copied the from my flm3 to my flm2 only to discover that doesn't help because they are, in fact, identical

This doesn't explain why the flm3 is up and the flm2 not

The log of the flm3 only has heartbeat posts, the flm2 also the failing posts from fluksod

I have never bothered much with the internals so maybe I need to dig a bit deeper

petur's picture

I have my FLM02 back online by patching fluksod.lua
(changed the tls verify option from 'peer' to 'none' to make it ignore that the certificate expired)

sadly wget on the flm02 doesn't do https so you need to find an http server (or ftp) to host the file for download

fafot's picture


Can you please explain in simple terms :) how to use the Terminal with the Flukso to do the patching. I was a programmer many years ago but never used the Terminal...

B-Man's picture

my device says "FL0300xxxx" in the device tab is this the flm03 or flm02?

petur's picture

@b-man my flm03 says FL08xxx so I don't know what the logic is

But my flm02 says FL02xxxxx and version number is 250 (the flm03 is version 380), maybe that's a way to figure it out ;)

no more power bills's picture

Hello Petur,
I have a flm02 and have tried to do the patch but could not make it work.
I don't really know what I am doing.
Is there a way to explain in more detail to help me out.
I want flusko to work again and it has been so good.

B-Man's picture

@ brad

you could just edit and paste the code (after creating a backup) if you winscp into the flukso as root

petur's picture

I just fixed my instructions, the command to go to the correct folder was assuming you are in the root but after login you aren't

so the first instruction is now cd /usr/sbin/

maybe that was your problem

if not, tell me where you are stuck

bazzle's picture

I dont know if the FLM updates you are doing will keep working if the Flukso site goes down 100%

When it and the forum went down recently I followed B-Mans lead and purchased an rpi 4 (400 in my case).
I then used his guide to get it all up and running. It doesnt require any interface at all back to this site. Data is sent directly from the Flukso at home to pvoutput.
Im using an FLM2

I am in my 70's and had no idea what I was doing but after a few lost ends and help from the other users I am running 100%
If you want the links to the pvoutput forum guides just ask.


keith_h's picture

To those who have contributed solutions, I am very grateful. In particular, to Petur whose solution is a two minute fix.

Right now information is immediately seen in PVOutput and the flukso dash as it was prior. I now have a spare pi. ;)

Thanks again.

keith_h's picture

@Bazzle, the patch restores forwarding to PVOutput and is quick and very easy to implement for those with the right hardware. The pi solution bypasses the need to forward altogether/load the patch. Its the better way to go from a future proofing perspective.

keith_h's picture

@Brad, here's what I did.

Attach a laptop to the Flukso via the ethernet port. You'll need to know what the IP address is for your device and you will need to ensure your laptop is on the same network. In my case the Flukso is which I believe is the default address.

Follow the directions on github noting the following if using the ethernet port.

To login:
open a command window
type: ssh root@
password is root

From there just follow the directions. My connectivity was restored immediately I booted.

B-Man's picture

Top job!
My father is 70 and the best he could do is look at the graph.

Stefan Erbacher's picture

thanks a lot for the flm02_patch.
works fine for my FLM02 device.

B-Man's picture

For those having trouble changing it you can just edit one line in that file. If you can ssh into it via winscp it's pretty easy.
Create a backup of the file
Change on line 262
From 'peer'
To 'none'
And reboot

fafot's picture

When trying to access the Flukso Meter from CMD window as admin I get the following error message:

Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,diffie-helman-group14-sha1

I reset the Wi-Fi pressing the button on the Flukso meter for 5 sec. It reconnected to the network fine but still shows this message.

I also couldn't connect to it using the Edge browser and typing the address directly.

Both my laptop and the Flukso meter are on the same network and the Flukso is connected to the laptop via network cable.

Help will be greatly appreciated.

fafot's picture

@ Keith
Well, I managed to connect to the Flukso Meter after using the Microsoft CoPilot...
I just posted the error message, and the answer was that the connection protocol on my Flukso meter in old one. It suggested to upgrade it or if it cannot be done... just use Putty program.

I connected and patched everything through the Putty program, and all is working!

Thanks Keith. H and Petur for the guide and the patch.

(As I posted before, I was programmer many, many years ago, then I managed few IT departments but was never good in networking. Now after many years, it looks that this networking luck of knowledge is biting me again :) )

petur's picture

For those with issues connecting with SSH (getting key exchange errors and such), google the error + name of your SSH client and you will probably find how to enable the key exchange

Many SSH clients refuse older security mechanisms now, but you can enable them back to connect to your flukso.

Fluc's picture

I think it is not a problem with a Linux OS (example Ubuntu) and use the terminal.

bramcloet's picture

@PETUR your patch on github works. Thanks!

bramcloet's picture

@PETUR your patch on github works. Thanks!

no more power bills's picture

I am now uploading data again to PV Output.

To everyone on this forum who have contributed ideas and time in to finding a fix, You are all legends and I thank you.

Thanks for the flm02_patch.
worked straightaway on my FLM02. (Once I did the correct process)

Your instructions were very helpful and straightforward and guided me in the correct direction.


B-Man's picture

I have patched the flm02 and it shows in the dashboard but when I re-added the sensor and token to pvoutput nothing gets uploaded.

B-Man's picture

seemed to take about half an hour or more for the data to be uploaded....

albigord's picture

I proceeded as proposed by PETUR and half an hour later I really got data on my dashboard.
In my application I have installed 4 Sensors: GAS counter, as well as electricity power NETZ, ELW, SOL
But the strange thing was that after the firmware change I got only the power data from one electricity sensor and from the gas sensor.
Looking into the sensors list I see that in addition to my initially defined sensors two new ones have been automatically added:
type: electricity, function: smart-main
type: gas, function: smart-main.
And only these two new sensors measuring the former values of GAS and SOL are now shown on the dashboard.
But when I connect to the FLM2A unit directly I see that the formerly defined sensors are still defined and activated.
It seems the after the firmware change a completely new unit has been registered in the FLUKSO data base (but with the original serial number)
What could be the reason ? What means 'smart-main' ?
Your help will be very much appreciated.

Wizzopa's picture

the graph's of my flukso's seems to be working again.

Newnham's picture

Hey All

My Flukso uploaded the full days information from both PV systems to PVOutput today looks like its up and running as it was previously! Anyone know how this came to be?

Cheers Tony.

petur's picture

@albigord the patch only enables the connection again by ignoring the expired certificate, I do not know how the things you observe are caused.

My FLM02 also has solar pulsecount and that still works as before

mrfreon's picture

My graph is up and running again. I hadn't checked it for a while but since June 22 all sensors are registering. Flukes lives on?