Internet reporting and local real time data concurrently over WiFi?

I have recently installed a Flukso with a single current sensor measuring consumption, and a power meter measuring solar generation.

The configuration is out of the box, reporting on WiFi and appears to be working fine. (Tip for new users, if your home wireless network is all n standard on 2.4GHz, your Flukso will see the network but fail to authenticate as it needs a b/g standard WiFi network to connect to).

I know that the reporting interface can be toggled from WiFi to ethernet, but the manual states that the WiFi interface will then be disabled.

In WiFi reporting mode, is the local interface also available over WiFi, or only accessible via the ethernet LAN port?

In ethernet reporting mode, is the local interface also available via the ethernet LAN port, only accessible over WiFi, or not accessible at all?

Koen Vervloesem's picture

The firewall blocks connections from WiFi. Using a direct Ethernet connection do the following in terminal. Then you should be able to access the config pages from any browser on the network.

  1. ssh root@ [passwd: root]
  2. uci set firewall.@zone[1].input=ACCEPT
  3. uci commit
  4. /etc/init.d/firewall restart