Technical specification of the S0 interfaces


which technical specifications have the S0 interfaces?

The most S0 interfaces operate at a voltage of 18-32V. Which S0 power meter can be connected to the S0-interfaces? Are there lists of recommendations for current meters with S0-interface?

Best Regards Heinz

icarus75's picture

Hi Heinz,

We drive the S0 with a 5V voltage. The S0-outputs are open-collector. They should all be inter-operable with 5V inputs.

Heinz56's picture

Hi Bart,

the S0 input is working wonderfully. The voltage of 5 V is sufficient for safe driving. This is a very good solution!. You can use almost any meter with S0 pulse input. I have two connected PV systems through a power meter to the S0-S0 inputs.

Cheers, Heinz

icarus75's picture

Nice to hear everything is working fine!
