UGI G4 MK2S Gasmeter

Does anybody know whether this older gasmeter can be monitord by Flukso?
Thanks in advance

rvreijsen's picture

Hi J.
Yours is in general close, apart from colour (mine's grey). Furthermore i can not detect the 1 behind the
G4 Mk2S. In stead there shows a sort of vertical hole.
Can i sent you a photograph for better understanding?
Thanks and regards, Rein

rvreijsen's picture

By the way, the same hole as shown in your photograph at the very right sight.
Will you please explain what AOK means?

gebhardm's picture

Easy rule: Any S0-meter with specified open-collector or switched output will work directly.
General rule: A non-S0-meter (that is, one that does not provide an open-collector or switch pulse output) will work iif there is a magnet built in that can be detected by a reed-switch (the FLM's water and gas probes) - test with a compass that whould "indicate" the magnet.
Alternative is an optical detection Bart seems to still work on; a meter then optically can be detected if there is on one of the counter roles a tiny silver/mirrored plate - this in an easy case might work with a CNY-17 opto coupler, but this is prone to irritations by stray light... (Bart's solution is more sophisticated using a light barrier that detects a certain frequency of sent light - something like this that I did just naively test so far)
Always a good way is to look for the meter specs for a defined pulse output... ( is your friend ;-))
Best regards

gebhardm's picture

Oops, with a CNY70 :-) CNY17 is a closed opto coupler...