WIFI does not work

Hi Bart, Hi all,
i have installed my new Flukso V2 and now i have 2 problems:

in wifi mode with WPA and WPA2 (the network key is correct)the Flukso was
displayed in the router-interface but no connection.
With no encryption or WEP the Flukso was displayed in the router-interface
and has also connection, but it doesn´t connect to the internet or to the
flukso server ( globe LED is also off)
i try it the last 3 day´s an i don´t know what else i can do.

in ethernet mode all works fine

Help me - thank´s, and still have a nice evening

icarus75's picture

Hi Rodscher,

1/ Did you enter the key instead of the passphrase for WPA(2)?
2/ What network configuration are you using in wifi mode? DHCP?
3/ If you've got a working wifi connection, what info is returned in the status section on the sensor page [1]?
System Time [UTC] Mon Oct 3 20:25:18 2011
Flukso server ping test succeeded
Last synchronisation time [UTC] Mon Oct 3 20:25:07 2011
Last synchronisation status successful



Rodscher's picture

Hi Bart,
thank´s for your answer
i have solved the wpa problem
i used for testing the 26 digit Flukso passphrase and changed the Router
network key - than it works ???
in the network settings (Flukso interface) i changed the internet connection
from dhcp to manual with my local ip adress and suddenly it connected to the Flukso server over wifi :-)
ping test succeeded/synchronisation successful
with this settings i powered off the flukso,
going with my flukso to the electric meter - plugged in the clamps - powered on thr Flukso - booting - but no connection to the flukso server and no globe LED (distance to the router ca. 5 meters)
status on sensor page ping test failed/synchronisation failed
Router is a Fritzbox 7390
have you any idea ?
i try it again next week, because i´m on holiday for a few day´s
thank´s and best regards
PS sorry for my bad english

icarus75's picture

Can you click the scan button on the System page [1] and check whether your home network is being picked up by your Fluksometer when located next to your electric meter?
