You are probably not in the same local network as the FLM.

I just installed my FLM, but I get these error messages when visiting the dash (Mac OSX 10.8 Google Chrome):

Error - The call for sensor Gas experienced a timeout. You are probably not in the same local network as the FLM.
Error - The call for sensor Water experienced a timeout. You are probably not in the same local network as the FLM.

Same error for the electrical sensors.

Any help is appreciated.

on3ptz's picture

Did you upgrade the firmware to 215 ?

the_roggy's picture

I have the same error (firmare version 215), but only on the "minute" tab.

peter73's picture

I actually get mixed results: sometimes it works fine, sometimes I get those errors.

Firmware version 216 ( I received the device today).

bazzle's picture

Ive had the same issue on and off for a year...minute tab.


derimac's picture

On my fresh delivered Flukso is the same issue Firmware 216.
As well it looks that I am not able to toggle the netkork to use the LAN instead of Wifi for data transfer.


derimac's picture

I have changed the privacy setting back to "Shared within Flukso" and now I can see the graph.
Do not know if this helps.


derimac's picture

My privacy changes does not really helped me out. After a while I got the same error as before.

bazzle's picture

What Privacy changes??


icarus75's picture

See this forum topic. If you're using Chrome, you should start it up with the "--allow-running-insecure-content" switch enabled.

If this does not solve the issue in Chrome, reload the Flukso dash page and hit Shift+Ctrl+I to open the developer tools. Now go to the minute tab on the dash page. Go back to the developer tools window and check both the console and network tabs. If you're not getting a 200 status code for the GET request, click on the request and copy/paste the contents in a forum comment.

bazzle's picture

I dont use chrome. I use ie9. It works sometimes but then becomes intermittant. Like the last week or so. Will run for 10mins then stops with the error message.


bazzle's picture

Actually always been crook. I just realised I used to run YRefresh on the page but that started giving errors a week or so ago and I removed it.


derimac's picture

Since my Flukso is sending Data via Wifi the page is working without issues. I was not able to send data via LAN connection and got these messages.
Currently it is working fine. Sometimes it freze but changing to hourly and back to minute graphs clean the situation.
I am using Safari 6.0.2 and Firefox 17.0.1


icarus75's picture

The chart will indeed stop fetching real-time data from the FLM if any error occurs in the call (= freeze). The code needs to handle error conditions more gracefully and if possible, just continue updating the chart. I'll be looking into this.

derimac's picture


don't worry. It is not causing any issues on my side. It works fine. Some hick ups are OK if I can fix the issue with only two clicks ;-)

Many thanks,

Juljon's picture

Hi Bart

I have the same problem with the minute display. Here is the copy/paste from the GET request



Dimensions50 × 50File size1.10KBMIME typeimage/jpegURL


Request URL:
Request Method:GET
Status Code:304 OK
Request Headersview source
if-modified-since:Wed, 11 Jan 1984 08:00:00 GMT
user-agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.52 Safari/537.17
Query String Parametersview sourceview URL encoded
Response Headersview source
date:Tue, 15 Jan 2013 09:45:32 GMT
expires:Tue, 15 Jan 2013 09:50:32 GMT
last-modified:Wed, 11 Jan 1984 08:00:00 GMT
via:1.1 varnish

MOS_meter1's picture

I have the same problem
Error - The call for sensor Gas experienced a timeout. You are probably not in the same local network as the FLM.

Using Safari 6.0.2

On the meter everything looks fine
WIFI led blinks every 3 sec
Heartbeat gives pulses
globe led is on

MOS_meter1's picture

Deze fout treedt op bij min en soms bij hour.
Het scherm blijft wit, geen grafiek te bespeuren.

TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'da.options')
The page at ran insecure content from to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
The page at ran insecure content from to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
The page at ran insecure content from to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
The page at ran insecure content from to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

the_roggy's picture

As I mentioned earlier, the minute display never works for me in chrome (even with the proper command line switch)...
In the network tab in the developer tools there isn't any activity, but these lines are shown in the warnings:
[blocked] The page at ran insecure content from…37&version=1.0&interval=minute&resolution=second&unit=watt&_=1359582145963.

Till now, it did work in IE9, but this stopped working now as well... The network traffic in the developper tools does show all "200"'s... so the flm is answering properly, but the graphs don't show :-).

Only thing I changed is replacing a clamp sensor by a pulse sensor...

the_roggy's picture

Now the minute tab is working again on IE9 :-)

michi's picture

I'm seeing the same problem, with Safari. This only happens on the minute tab. Hourly and daily work fine. The Flukso is most definitely on the same local network because I can ping its IP address, and I can telnet to port 8080 from the LAN.

Any suggestions? The whole thing works perfectly and logs data just fine. The error for the minute tab is the only problem I'm getting.


michi's picture


My wireless LAN network is 10.1.1.x network, but the ethernet port on the Flukso is still at Could that be the cause?

Is it possible to disable the DHCP server on the Flukso or, alternatively, configure it so it always dishes out a specific IP address? If so, I could allocate a static IP on my wired and wireless networks to the Flukso, and set up the DHCP server in the Flukso to always hand out another IP address that's also reserved, so there are no clashes.


the_roggy's picture

I finally found why the chrome switch "--allow-running-insecure-content" wasn't working anymore since some months. If a website adds the "Strict Transport Security" https header, chrome 21+ blocks all "mixed content" without the option to override it... and apparently the switch is ignored as well:

And because indeed adds this header... this explains a lot.

michi's picture

That's an interesting find, thanks! I also tried with IE on an Window XP machine. There, I get a warning that the page has mixed secure and insecure content. When I select to display both, I get nothing. The area where the graph normally appears, is blank (not even the axis are drawn). Again, this is only for the minute tab. The other tabs work fine.


the_roggy's picture

1) For info, in case you wouldn't know: the minute tab works completely different than the other ones. The other tabs just get all information from the web site, so this part just works as any other website.
The minute tab is a very special situation: the website itself is coming from, but to be able to get the real-time info, the data shown in the graph is "asked" directly from the flm. To complicate matters, the flm cannot return the info using a "secured" protocol... and this is why most browsers block this: is secure, but the data coming from the flm isn't, so to the browser this looks like the site is hacked, and shows a warning (in IE) or blocks it (Chrome).
2) The blank graph: I had the same problem with IE9 on a windows 7 PC for some time... but since a few days it works again. I think this is simply a browser compatibility issue. Probably it will work for you in IE9 as well. You could try to enable/disable "compatibility mode" in IE, or just use firefox, that should work as well...

michi's picture

Thanks for the explanation about the minute tab. Yes, I see how the mixed content would be considered a security issue by the browser.

I tried a few more combinations.

With IE8 on Windows XP, I get the issue I described. No graph is rendered at all after I select to display both secure and insecure content. Turning on compatibility mode doesn't change anything. No error message.

With IE9 on Windows 7, the behavior is the same. Nothing is rendered after I select to display all content, both with and without compatibility mode. No error message.

With Safari, I get the error message about not being on the same network.

With Chrome 24 on Windows 7, I get the message about not being on the same network.

With Firefox 11 on Windows 7, I also get the same message.

With Firefox 18.1 on Windows 7, I also get the message.


the_roggy's picture


in FF, can you press CTRL+SHIFT+K and have a look what messages you see?

michi's picture

I'm getting a bunch of 404s:

07:50:38.427] GET [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 702ms]
[07:50:38.429] GET [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 172ms]
[07:50:38.824] GET [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 16ms]
[07:50:39.839] GET [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 15ms]
[07:50:40.868] GET [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 16ms]

The IP of the Flukso is correct, and I can telnet to port 8080 on

The sensor UUID is also correct; it matches what is being reported by the Flukso.



the_roggy's picture

:-(... weird you are getting 404s while you can telnet it...

Ah my eurocent is dropping... did you enable the option "Enable the local JSON/REST API" in the web interface of the FLM in the section "Sensor"?

michi's picture

Bingo, that did it. It was turned off and, of course, it wouldn't work. With the API turned on, it works perfectly now.

Just wondering why this isn't disabled by default? Unless there is some other reason for leaving it off by default, turning it on might save other users having to go through the same troubleshooting process.

Thanks heaps for your help, Roggy!


the_roggy's picture

Glad that it got solved...