
Questions about installing and configuring a Fluksometer.

Connect to Flukso on network: user/pw


I installed/configured my Flukso a couple of days ago.
But now I installed it in my network, I can't connect to it via my browser.

The IP is, but when I connect to and I enter root/root, I get "Wrong username or password. Please try again."
I have no idea what I have to use as user/pw instead?

I can read the flukso with the mosquitto thing, there I apparently don't need a password?

Can anyone help me on this?

Check if the flukso meter receives data on the inputs

Is there a way to check if the unit is receiving any data on those port/current clamps?

Is measuring the voltage over those inputs a good way of determining that the clamps are connected well to my mains line?

Minute dash


How can we get the minutes dashboard? Do we need to be connected by ethernet with the flukso for that?

Live output app?

Is there an app that can display current/live power readings? I'm not looking for charts, just minimal delay between what's displayed and the actual, live numbers. The delays on the and websites are too long.

Prefer Windows, could live with iPad or iPhone if I had to.

If there's is no such app yet, I would appreciate a pointer to docs for the API.