I am struggling for many hours to read the data from my Flukso V2B meter. I have 2 pulse inputs from 2 pulse meters: LXEM145 and LXEM180. The first is for Solar Production and the second for Gross House Usage.
I setup the Flukso as is written in the manual. Set current clamp ports to 1(disabled) and enabled only two pulse sensors ports number 2 and 3. Everything is fine with connection to the Flukso site, and my home network too, but when I'm looking at the dashboard - nothing shows and the usual message is there: Error - The call for sensor smart-main experienced a timeout. You are probably not in the same local network as the FLM.
My Flukso has uptime of 16 hours, still no data. I am not an electrician but when I checked the sensors, they are connected with the right polarity to the switches. Both of the pulse meters are new and the led on each is blinking. When checking with voltmeter the sensors shows 3.3 volts but as I read somewhere this voltage is from the Flukso.
When trying to check one of the sensors in the browser I am getting empty white screen (not timeout): https://api.flukso.net/sensor/74b2e66493631ff79ff5503ee7415a67?interval=...
The lights on the Flukso are on including the Globe light.
Please help. Tx