
Questions about installing and configuring a Fluksometer.

v2b shows blank Minute graph

Per previous thread I've allowed loading mixed content in my Firefox browser, or added v2b IP to local sites in IE. Unfortunately doing so did not help displaying minute resolution graph. Iphone with Chrome and Safari displays blank graph as well.

In firefox, after allowing mixed content debugger displays the following over and over again:

Loading mixed (insecure) active content on a secure page ""[Learn More] js_2c89621c021c921fa432fae7a601291e.js:7985
Loading mixed (insecure) active content on a secure page ""[Learn More] js_2c89621c021c921fa432fae7a601291e.js:7985
GET[Mixed Content][HTTP/1.1 200 OK 301ms]
GET[Mixed Content][HTTP/1.1 200 OK 412ms]

yet the graph does not show.

New troubles

Just a q about rebooting the Flukso v2b: is it normal that removing power and reconnecting the power (after a minute or so) takes 2 to 10 retries (power ups) before it finally gets the wifi working?
I am beginning to doubt if this device is, or has ever been, stabile. And since it is only a week old...

More people having troubles rebooting this device and get a stabile wifi connection within a few minutes? Or any suggestions on how troubleshoot this kind of problem? Connecting thru cable is possible but a lot of trouble since the device is fitted near the fusebox.
(Answers in english or dutch are fine)

Water Probe wire length

Is there a max length on the water probe wire? I'm thinking as its just on off, 20-30 meters is quite safe?


1st: thank you all for the responses so far on my other topics.
Switching to dutch this time...

Je kan best aardig je verbruik volgen op de website maar hoe zie je nu hoe je jaarverbruik en eindafrekening ongeveer gaat worden?

Ik heb de flukso vooral aangeschaft om inzicht te krijgen in mijn verbruik en hoe ik de rekening omlaag kan gaan krijgen. Behalve hele leuke grafiekjes mis ik eigenlijk echte historische gegevens. Je kan nergens een meterstand invoeren dus checken of de meetgegevens kloppen, kun je niet online.

Wat ik ook mis is een grafiek van cumulatieve verbruik per dag van EERDERE DAGEN. Waarom wel van vandaag (laatste 24 uur) maar niet van eerdere dagen? Hoe kun je zo dan je verbruik per dag in kaart brengen? Moet je dat elke dag op gaan schrijven? (Waarvoor koop je dan zo'n meter?) Hoe brengen anderen met deze meter hun werkelijke verbruik in kaart? Noteren jullie met regelmaat ook nog de meterstanden?

Flukso v2b, Fixed IP?

Is it possible to set a fixed IP in the Flukso v2b?
With DHCP the meter can get a different ip everytime, making automated local reading very hard. As this box is linux-based(?) one should be able to disable DHCP and set a fixed IP. Anyone know how to do this?

Using putty ssh:
ssh root@
and then what?
