
Questions about installing and configuring a Fluksometer.

Multiple wires into one clamp?

I read several times that people had to re-wire their fusebox, because otherwise the PV input vs main consumption cannot be measured in a correct way. Now I want to ask a stupid question maybe (I don't know anything about electricity... ;-)). If you have multiple wires coming out of your ELCB, can you put those in 1 clamp? Since I want to read the consumptoin coming through all of these wires (they go to individual fuse boxes), logically this should be OK. But I'm just wondering if this physically would work...


Flukso time 20min behind

My Flukso clock is running 20min behind, I saw it in live view (electricity) and that my heater starts at 6:10 (according to Flukso), but actually it starts at 6:30.
But in the Flukso settings I can't find a clock adjust/clock sync setting? How can I adjust the clock?

Synch with flukso server

In saving the sensor configuration on a flukso, the flukso server ping test succeeds yet the synchronisation with the flukso server fails. I toggled the flukso to its default network settings and then tried again to enter the wifi name/password. This was successful to the extent that the globe light came on and I saw the heartbeat time update on the website. However it still would not synchronise with the flukso server (as per the message on the flukso sensor configuration screen).

I tried using a different wifi network (the one on my mobile phone) which I'm pretty sure has not been set up to block UDP port 123. However even with changing the wifi network and restarting the flukso, I still cannot get the flukso to synchronise with the flukso server successfully. Does anyone have advice?

I also tried to synchronise another flukso on the wifi network and did not encounter this problem.

GAS probe Schlumberger G6 installation

Hi all,

Did anybody already get the gas probe to work on this type ?

Thanks for any pointers you can give,

flukso and php/mysl graphing on synology nas

has someone managed to create a php/mysql solution to collect and dispay data with for example highcharts?
I have a Synology NAS with build in webserver and Iᷰd like to display realtime data.

Any help and tips for scripting would be nice!