For future reference, in order to put a fluksometer in a adhoc network, these are the steps I used:
+ setup an adhoc network on a pc and write down the bssid (AP hex number)
+ setup the flukso wireless on the web front-end
+ ssh into the fluksometer & change sta mode to adhoc mode in /etc/config/network
+ restart the network on the fluksobox
+ change the bssid on the fluksobox if it's not the same as the bssid noted above with: iwconfig ath0 ap xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
+ restart the fluksonetwork again
could be related: I added an ntp server for our local network, but this isn't working yet. The ntpclient command works from the fluksometer, but the web front-end only shows the correct system time, and not the last synchronization time. To be continued...
Edit: The communication with the ntpserver works flawless. I should have just saved the sensor page to show the correct last syncronization time.