
Questions about installing and configuring a Fluksometer.

Gas probe wire extension ?


I just started considering buying a Flukso installation. I'm very noob to all this stuff, but I would like to see what my consumption of Electricity, Water and Gas is.

So after watching some cool youtube stuff and reading up on the forums I went to the shop.
I've one question (for now :-) ) related to the gas clamp. My gas meter is approx. 10 meters away from the place where I need to install my Fluksometer. There is 2m wire attached to the gas clamp. Now, is it safe to extend this to a length of 10m ? Would that influence measurement accuracy ? Do I need to use a specif type of wire too extend ?


meter reading versus Flukso reading

Wish to know why the consumption read out ( daily ) differs significantly from my actual meter reading.
Live in Holland and am using P1 port on a smart meter and am using both the day tariff and night tariff.
Am also interested in knowing where the Flukso takes its reading i.e before the meter as is I asume the case when using clamps, or after the meter.

Thanking you in advance for a quick response this time around.

Adressing FLM over Wifi

I have set up the FLM by connecting it directly to my computer using a UTP-cable. Is it possible to adress the set-up screen of the FLM over WIfi using the IP-adress which was assigned to it by my router? It would be useful for adding new sensors without having to reconnect the FLM to my computer with a cable.

Suggestions for setup web page/device web setup

It wasn't at all obvious that I had to unplug my computer from the router and connect using a cable directly between that and the Flukso. Until after I'd gone on this forum anyway. You could save a step for 90% of people by simply linking to a forum question where someone asks that. Or even by adding a line to the installation instructions. If that's too much, maybe add "only" or "directly" so the second sentence reads "Connect your computer directly to the FLM's ethernet port."

Also, the config stuff in the device is unnecessarily hostile, saying "Wrong Format. Use either 5/13 ASCII...." in red while I'm typing in the wifi key just seems over the top. Initially I thought "oh, I'm doing it wrong, maybe I should use hex or something" but it turns out that I was doing the right thing, your it's the warning that's wrong.

Finally, when I try to register I get "you are not authorized to access this page" from and that makes it a bit hard. On the dash is a box saying "add a fluksonian" but there's no add button and hitting enter in that box doesn't seem to add my meter. (

Having added the meter to my dash, it's getting heartbeat but no readings. I assume that if the sensors are not connected it will be sending zeros, and that no data means there's something else I need to do? Please advise.

Values shown in the Dash

Hi guys,

I have following question: when I'm off to work, I expect the graph of consumption to be quite stable and straight forward.

However, when my solar panels start to work, they get measured quite correctly, but the consumption line (the red one in the attachment) changes accordingly with the solar panels.

Is there a way to let it show the effective consumed amount of watts without the influence of the solar panels?

That way I can see exactly what I consume and what I gain. My Smappee does it that way, but I hope the Flukso can do that to. OR I hope to have wrongly configured the dash... :-)

I also believe that this is the reason why the values in PVoutput are nog correct.

See attachments to see as is and how I expect it to be (APPROX.!).



EDIT: Just added the graph of my Smappee, which is extremely accurate. The grey graph is the one that should mostly accord to the consumtion line (red) in the dash.

EDIT 2: Also added a more stretched version of the Smappee screenshot. That makes it easyer to compare. :-)